If you’ve ever wondered how safe side-by-sides are, the answer is simple: it’s about the rider more than the machine. Safety is one of the most important parts of UTV/side-by-side ownership and we’re ready to help you maximize your experience. Here, we’ve made a list of essential safety tips for UTV drivers and passengers.
Wearing the Right Gear
For the safest side-by-side experience, you’ll need the right riding gear. Pants, long-sleeved shirts, sturdy boots, and helmets are the bare minimum; gloves offer extra protection on brushy trails. Once you’ve found the right gear, come back to Thumper Fab to outfit your UTV.
Of all the gear UTV riders and passengers need, the helmet is the most crucial. Helmets should fit well, be comfortable, and be DOT-approved. Depending on your plans, you may need chest protectors, goggles, knee guards, and boots like those used by motocross riders. Not only will you look cool, but you’ll also be safe.
Know Your Limits
UTV riding is no joke, and inexperienced riders often get caught up in the excitement of tackling tough terrain. We’ve seen and been on, some world-class runs, and we’ve also seen things go wrong. Riding is inherently risky and knowing when to back off will keep you comfortable and safe.
UTV Maintenance
Every rider has seen someone stuck on the trail because they weren’t prepared. The safest side-by-side is one that’s well-maintained with high-quality supplies and parts. Thanks to parts and accessories from Thumper Fab, it’s easy to keep your ride running.
Keep Hands and Feet Inside the Vehicle
The most memorable trail rides end with a safe return. While your friends may be there to back you up, trees and rocks aren’t as forgiving. Keeping your head, feet, and hands inside the vehicle is crucial, especially during situations with a high rollover risk.
Don’t Show Off
While we’re entertained by YouTube videos of crazy side-by-side riders, they don’t set a very good example. Not only should you know your limits and ride within them, but you should also ride the trail the way it’s supposed to be ridden. Burnouts and wheelies are fun, sure, but getting back to camp in one piece is much better.
Pay Attention to the Trail
A crucial aspect of UTV safety is paying attention to the trail ahead. There’s no good reason to call, text, change the radio station, or record video when driving when hands-free options are available. We have tons of accessories that help you keep your eyes on the road, and you can check them out here.
Buy the Right UTV
While some vehicles haul cargo, others haul…well, you know! High-performance UTVs top out at about 80 miles per hour, and new drivers often have trouble handling powerful vehicles. Knowing your limits and being confident in your abilities is crucial, but so is selecting the right UTV. Once you’ve found it, we can help you outfit it.
Don’t Ride Alone
We’re not here to scare you, but we have to say it: things can (and do) go wrong on the trail. When it gets sideways, having help nearby can make all the difference. If you must ride alone, a reliable radio, a satellite phone, or a good cell signal is essential.
We’re Here for the Trail Ahead
Whether you’re working on the ranch or hitting the trail, we’re here for you. We have one of the biggest selections of UTV parts and accessories online, and we want to help you find what your ride needs. Check out our website or visit us on social media for information, tips, and updates.